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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


  • Research: Overview of the legal framework related to employment and support measures and subsidies in the project partners' countries. This overview will form the basis for the focus on the methodological approach to schools and the labour market.

  • Counselling and Coaching: An existing methodology will be used by project partners in their support of vulnerable (and/or unemployed) young people focused on the labour market; Assessment of the 300 students: Testing and mentoring companies and internship providers.

  • Diversity Management: Registered methodology of JKVG related to Diversity Management (Empower® methodology) will be translated and extended to the objectives of this projects; Training 150 professionals in diversity management to encourage them to disseminate diversity management (long-term result) for better internship experiences or labour market workplaces (short-term result); Counselling 75 employers in diversity management.

  • ICT Development; Based on the defined methodology, web tools will be created to support schools and employers in the objectives of the project; A digital infrastructure available, including a virtual community and a database in national languages and in English for the target group and stakeholders in support of: (a) knowledge, tools, methods and information sharing, (b) peer-to-peer counselling, (c) partnership network and (d) the handbook on diversity management.

  •  Good Practices; Each partner will share good practices that add value to the project goals (in the different partner countries).

  • Dissemination; Producing leaflets, documents, a website, on the project and diversity management in general; Publishing a newsletter twice a year; Organising 4 (inter)national conferences (up to 200 participants); A research report/policy paper has been set up on inclusion, opportunities, available tools, policies and recommendations for the target group per partner country.

Youth unemployment is a growing concern across the European Union and deserves to be high on the political, social and economic agenda. Our society needs to invest in inclusive employment for all, including and especially for the most vulnerable among us: early school leavers, (young people with) low levels of education or physical/mental disabilities. A common geographical or cross-border approach is required to tackle these economic and societal challenges. Traditional diversity management promotes an inclusive 'human resources management', regarding the employer-employee relationship. This project on "Diversity Management" broadens this approach by focusing on 4 stakeholders


Youth: people with a distance to the labour market. In which it concentrates on a target group of people aged 16 to 30;

Professionals: teachers/schools, employment counselors, social workers, etc;

Employers: invest in (vulnerable) young people and raise awareness and willingness to do something for this target group;

Governments: compare the legal environment regarding government support for this issue in the project partners' member states. The local legal environment is crucial to correctly adapt diversity management to local employers.

The jIn line with the objectives and the 'Lisabon strategy' and Europe 2020, DME builds on the transition process of guiding (vulnerable) students and unemployed youth to the labour market. All in the context of EU goals and broader economic and social needs.




2014- 2017

Diversity Management Extended


National Training Centre,
Euroface Consulting s.r.o,
Syntra West,
  Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje,
Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work


  • Research: Overview of the legal framework related to employment and support measures and subsidies in the project partners' countries. This overview will form the basis for the focus on the methodological approach to schools and the labour market.

  • Counselling and Coaching: An existing methodology will be used by project partners in their support of vulnerable (and/or unemployed) young people focused on the labour market; Assessment of the 300 students: Testing and mentoring companies and internship providers.

  • Diversity Management: Registered methodology of JKVG related to Diversity Management (Empower® methodology) will be translated and extended to the objectives of this projects; Training 150 professionals in diversity management to encourage them to disseminate diversity management (long-term result) for better internship experiences or labour market workplaces (short-term result); Counselling 75 employers in diversity management.

  • ICT Development; Based on the defined methodology, web tools will be created to support schools and employers in the objectives of the project; A digital infrastructure available, including a virtual community and a database in national languages and in English for the target group and stakeholders in support of: (a) knowledge, tools, methods and information sharing, (b) peer-to-peer counselling, (c) partnership network and (d) the handbook on diversity management.

  •  Good Practices; Each partner will share good practices that add value to the project goals (in the different partner countries).

  • Dissemination; Producing leaflets, documents, a website, on the project and diversity management in general; Publishing a newsletter twice a year; Organising 4 (inter)national conferences (up to 200 participants); A research report/policy paper has been set up on inclusion, opportunities, available tools, policies and recommendations for the target group per partner country.



In line with the objectives and the 'Lisabon strategy' and Europe 2020, DME builds on the transition process of guiding (vulnerable) students and unemployed youth into the labour market. This is all in the context of EU goals and broader economic and social needs.

Youth unemployment is a growing concern across the European Union and deserves to be high on the political, social and economic agenda. Our society needs to invest in inclusive employment for all, including and especially for the most vulnerable among us: early school leavers, (young people with) low levels of education or physical/mental disabilities. A common geographical or cross-border approach is required to tackle these economic and societal challenges. Traditional diversity management promotes an inclusive 'human resources management', regarding the employer-employee relationship. This project on "Diversity Management" broadens this approach by focusing on 4 stakeholders


Youth: people with a distance to the labour market. In which it concentrates on a target group of people aged 16 to 30;

Professionals: teachers/schools, employment counselors, social workers, etc;

Employers: invest in (vulnerable) young people and raise awareness and willingness to do something for this target group;

Governments: compare the legal environment regarding government support for this issue in the project partners' member states. The local legal environment is crucial to correctly adapt diversity management to local employers.




National Training Centre, 
Euroface Consulting s.r.o, 
Syntra West,
  Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje, 
Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

Diversity Management Extended

2014 - 2017


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