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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


6 Newsletters: produced after each transnational meeting. The newsletters were published on the project's website. These were used as a dissemination tool.

Project logo designed for use on the website, project branding and for use in the newsletters.

Digital Toolkit/Webinar videos (IO2): These are presented on the project website and provide a resource available to all educators and trainers and of particular interest to education/support youth stakeholders. Links to this resource were distributed to all partner and stakeholder networks.


  1. Website - active for a minimum of 5 years after completion of the project. A Facebook page for the project has been created by BUCOVINA with regular contributions from all partners.

  2. Evaluation Report & 1 Dissemination - 6 rigorously evaluated workshops delivered by partners as mentioned in intellectual output (IO1) - 7 local voluntary stakeholder committees that externally monitored the impact of the project using an assessment framework based on the PDTVT.

  3. Europass Mobility Certificates covering the learning outcomes for all workshops attended.

    Final multiplier conference where the project results were disseminated to 236 local participants in the partnership

The number of young people (aged 16-29) not in employment or training (NEET) remains high in the EU, with rates in the cities involved in this project well above 5% (except in the Netherlands - 7%). A significant proportion of these young people have left school early and struggle to find a job. There is a mismatch between the education system, the labour market and the reality of vulnerable young people. For some young people, this leads to demotivation, loss of self-confidence and ultimately school dropout and unemployment which has long-term negative consequences for their future and society. Existing solutions are fragmented, focus mainly on cures and do not lead to closer cooperation between key stakeholders or substantial systemic change. Supporting young people in entrepreneurship (SYE) (OECD/EC report 2014): "Despite having a preference for self-employment, not many young people are able to sustain themselves as self-employed. Almost 15% of employed people in the EU are self-employed. The percentage of self-employed young people in the EU is just over 4%.


Enterprise in Fareham (UK) in month 16. Each partner then created a local VET entrepreneur hub to support the 28 young people to create peer networks and co-create 7 pilot project solutions to address local challenges (IO3). The young NEETs were prepared and inducted in the months 13-15 prior to the C2 event. Induction was part of the blended training curriculum agreed at the Athens meeting in month 9. Monthly zoom meetings/updates ensured that the project followed the pre-planned schedule, along with 5 transnational partnership meetings that further strengthened partner relations and cooperation.



ENTREPVET wanted to create an innovative, motivational training package for entrepreneurs based on digital and entrepreneurial skills to be made available to teachers, educators, VET trainers and staff working with young people. The package will include key concepts and skills designed to improve motivation and self-efficacy in people with low self-confidence or fear of embracing change. In line with the 2021-27 Digital Education Action Plan that builds on the 2018-2020 priorities to:


Make better use of digital technology for teaching and learning;

Develop digital competences and skills.


We used non-formal education methods to train 28 VET trainers/teachers from the UK, NL, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Italy during a short-term staff training event (C1) in the Netherlands in month 12, returning to work with 10 young people each (280 in total). Partners recruited 4 young people to participate in a blended training event (C2) organised by WSX


Enterprise in Fareham (UK) in month 16. Each partner then created a local VET entrepreneur hub to support the 28 young people to create peer networks and co-create 7 pilot project solutions to address local challenges (IO3). The young NEETs were prepared and inducted in the months 13-15 prior to the C2 event. Induction was part of the blended training curriculum agreed at the Athens meeting in month 9. Monthly zoom meetings/updates ensured that the project followed the pre-planned schedule, along with 5 transnational partnership meetings that further strengthened partner relations and cooperation.


2021 - 2023

(Entrepreneurship Practices in VET).




Asociatia Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina,


Athens Lifelong Learning Institute,


DUEMILAUNO AGENZIA SOCIALE Società Cooperativa Sociale Impresa Sociale ONLUS,


Make a Dream Publishing Limited,




Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK



6 Newsletters: produced after each transnational meeting. The newsletters were published on the project website. These were used as a dissemination tool.

Project logo designed for use on the website, project branding and for use in the newsletters.

Digital Toolkit/Webinar videos (IO2): these are presented on the project website and are an information resource available to all educators and trainers and of particular interest to education/support youth stakeholders. Links to this resource were disseminated to all networks of partners and stakeholders.


  1. Website - active for a minimum of 5 years after project completion. A Facebook page for the project was created by BUCOVINA with regular contributions from all partners.

  2. Evaluation Report & 1 Dissemination - 6 firmly evaluated workshops provided by partners as listed in intellectual output (IO1) - 7 local voluntary stakeholder committees that externally verified the impact of the project using an assessment framework based on the PDTVT.

  3. Europass Mobility Certificates covering learning outcomes for all workshops attended.

Closing multiplier conference where the project results were disseminated to 236 local participants in the partnership



The number of young people (aged 16-29) not in employment or training (NEET) remains high in the EU, with rates in the cities involved in this project well above 5% (except in the Netherlands - 7%). A significant proportion of these young people have left school early and struggle to find a job. There is a mismatch between the education system, the labour market and the reality of vulnerable young people. For some young people, this leads to demotivation, loss of self-confidence and ultimately school dropout and unemployment which has long-term negative consequences for their future and society. Existing solutions are fragmented, focus mainly on cures and do not lead to closer cooperation between key stakeholders or substantial systemic change. Supporting young people in entrepreneurship (SYE) (OECD/EC report 2014): "Despite having a preference for self-employment, not many young people are able to sustain themselves as self-employed. Almost 15% of employed people in the EU are self-employed. The percentage of self-employed young people in the EU is just over 4%.

ENTREPVET wanted to create an innovative, motivational training package for entrepreneurs based on digital and entrepreneurial skills to be made available to teachers, educators, VET trainers and staff working with young people. The package will include key concepts and skills designed to improve motivation and self-efficacy in people with low self-confidence or fear of embracing change. In line with the 2021-27 Digital Education Action Plan that builds on the 2018-2020 priorities to:


Make better use of digital technology for teaching and learning;

Develop digital competences and skills.


We used non-formal education methods to train 28 VET trainers/teachers from the UK, NL, Greece, Turkey, Romania and Italy during a short-term staff training event (C1) in the Netherlands in month 12, returning to work with 10 young people each (280 in total). Partners recruited 4 young people to participate in a blended training event (C2) organised by WSX


Enterprise in Fareham (UK) in month 16. Each partner then created a local VET entrepreneur hub to support the 28 young people to create peer networks and co-create 7 pilot project solutions to address local challenges (IO3). The young NEETs were prepared and inducted in the months 13-15 prior to the C2 event. Induction was part of the blended training curriculum agreed at the Athens meeting in month 9. Monthly zoom meetings/updates ensured that the project followed the pre-planned schedule, along with 5 transnational partnership meetings that further strengthened partner relations and cooperation.





Asociatia Institutul pentru Parteneriat Social Bucovina,


Athens Lifelong Learning Institute,


DUEMILAUNO AGENZIA SOCIALE Società Cooperativa Sociale Impresa Sociale ONLUS,


Make a Dream Publishing Limited,




Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK


(Entrepreneurship Practices in VET).

2021 - 2023


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