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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


During and after the project, students study art, culture, religion and history internationally. They get to know (current) exhibited themes from e.g., museums and in international context / global citizenship, without having to travel. This also makes a substantial contribution to reducing emissions (environmental objective). In addition, the project can be important in preparing for an international trip (if it does take place). Pupils orientate in advance on what can be seen in the museums on site and teachers can document points of interest in advance and explain typical features using contemporary documentation. Motivating, inspiring and informing pupils about art, culture and history is also an important outcome. Research shows that if children are introduced to museums at an early age and develop an interest in them, they will visit more often later on (Children and museum visits (2011) Dutch Museum Association Amsterdam). This is especially true for the target group with little or no financial means. The problems of global importance we face (climate change, availability of water and food, cultural differences and/or intolerance, etc.) also make it necessary for us to increasingly empathise with other people's interests and understand our existence in others elsewhere in the world. More importantly, we need to educate young people to be able to work innovatively to solve these global problems in cooperation with people elsewhere in the world (An internationalisation chain from primary education to global citizen and the world of work (2015), Coelen, R. ). The experiences students gain in the ART project give them a certain attitude, which they will hopefully adopt outside the classroom. Finally, the integration of new technologies and innovation in education is an important outcome of this project. This is irrevocably linked to the professionalisation of teachers. Society is changing and and educational institutions need to innovate to keep up with today's society. By using VR technology as educational innovation, training motivated teachers to develop it themselves and integrate it into their offerings, this project hopes to contribute to targeted educational improvement. Innovation in education is always about improving the quality (or cost) of education. This can be understood in context as effectiveness, equity, efficiency, productivity and adaptability.

The ART project makes part of the international museum world and other cultural/religious institutions accessible to a Europe-wide target group: pupils aged 8 to 16. The current situation with Covid affects the mobility of everyone, as well as pupils and teachers. But also, pupils do not always have the opportunity (time), interest (mind-set) and resources (money) to physically visit multiple locations in a short time. The ART VR methodology opens up the (museum) "world" to them.  The ART project connects Virtual Reality (VR) methodology to world citizenship and art education. VR makes it possible to simulate a 3D world that completely envelops us. This makes it seem as if we are 'really' in another place while we do not have to leave our doorstep to do so. Through various recordings of museums, (temporary) exhibitions, historical and/or cultural buildings (of a religious nature), pupils not only get a wonderful picture of different museums, all kinds of art and history. But they are also offered various assignments and explanations and are taught about their own active contribution to world citizenship in 2021. A wonderful combination, bringing the world from afar, close by. This gives pupils a better understanding of the world around them, how people interact, how they can solve problems and how they give meaning and purpose to their existence. This orientation does not stop at national borders.



An ART Conceptual Framework including Needs Analysis

An ART Basic and progress test + ART EU badge

An ART Online platform + app realisation including VR learning tools

An ART manual and ART pilots 


2021 - 2023

Art and history Recorded for e-Ternity

Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work


Sinergia Società Cooperativa Sociale,


 ArteveldeHogeschool, (BE)

 Euroface Consulting s.r.o. Tjechische Republiek,





During and after the project, students study art, culture, religion and history internationally. They get to know (current) exhibited themes from e.g., museums and in international context / global citizenship, without having to travel. This also makes a substantial contribution to reducing emissions (environmental objective). In addition, the project can be important in preparing for an international trip (if it does take place). Pupils orientate in advance on what can be seen in the museums on site and teachers can document points of interest in advance and explain typical features using contemporary documentation. Motivating, inspiring and informing pupils about art, culture and history is also an important outcome. Research shows that if children are introduced to museums at an early age and develop an interest in them, they will visit more often later on (Children and museum visits (2011) Dutch Museum Association Amsterdam). This is especially true for the target group with little or no financial means. The problems of global importance we face (climate change, availability of water and food, cultural differences and/or intolerance, etc.) also make it necessary for us to increasingly empathise with other people's interests and understand our existence in others elsewhere in the world. More importantly, we need to educate young people to be able to work innovatively to solve these global problems in cooperation with people elsewhere in the world (An internationalisation chain from primary education to global citizen and the world of work (2015), Coelen, R. ). The experiences students gain in the ART project give them a certain attitude, which they will hopefully adopt outside the classroom. Finally, the integration of new technologies and innovation in education is an important outcome of this project. This is irrevocably linked to the professionalisation of teachers. Society is changing and and educational institutions need to innovate to keep up with today's society. By using VR technology as educational innovation, training motivated teachers to develop it themselves and integrate it into their offerings, this project hopes to contribute to targeted educational improvement. Innovation in education is always about improving the quality (or cost) of education. This can be understood in context as effectiveness, equity, efficiency, productivity and adaptability.



An ART Conceptual Framework including Needs Analysis

An ART Basic and progress test + ART EU badge

An ART Online platform + app realisation including VR learning tools

An ART manual and ART pilots 


The ART project makes part of the international museum world and other cultural/religious institutions accessible to a Europe-wide target group: pupils aged 8 to 16. The current situation with Covid affects the mobility of everyone, as well as pupils and teachers. But also, pupils do not always have the opportunity (time), interest (mind-set) and resources (money) to physically visit multiple locations in a short time. The ART VR methodology opens up the (museum) "world" to them.  The ART project links Virtual Reality (VR) methodology to world citizenship and art education. VR makes it possible to simulate a 3D world that completely envelops us. This makes it seem as if we are 'really' in another place while we do not have to leave our doorstep to do so. Through various recordings of museums, (temporary) exhibitions, historical and/or cultural buildings (of a religious nature), pupils not only get a wonderful picture of different museums, all kinds of art and history. But they are also offered various assignments and explanations and are taught about their own active contribution to world citizenship in 2021. A wonderful combination, bringing the world from afar, close by. This gives pupils a better understanding of the world around them, how people interact, how they can solve problems and how they give meaning and purpose to their existence. This orientation does not stop at national borders.


Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work


Sinergia Società Cooperativa Sociale,




 Euroface Consulting s.r.o. Tjechische Republiek,




Art and history Recorded for e-Ternity

2021 - 2023


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