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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


Increased knowledge in the area of:

Innovation in schools for digital learning, especially in science

Open educational resources, building on knowledge of open source software and licensing benefits.

Business innovation and sustainable support for Open Education Resources Open Educational Resources) OER using a premium model and principles of disruptive innovation.

Using statistical methods in "Big Data" to automate comparative progress measures in schools.

EQF, ECVET and EQARF with respect to referencing online testing requirements.


Provisions for schools in partner countries for:

A range of online tests that can be used to measure student and school progress in the national and international context.

Collect nationally relevant data on what science children know and understand at different ages.

Diagnostic feedback based on evidence from testing of key weaknesses that need to be targeted for instruction.

Schedules of work, lesson plans and linked OERs freely licensed to support testing.

Training and support for teachers in using the free online tests, evidence management for courses, including self- and peer-assessment, formative progress tracking through courses and certification, all fully hosted.

Awareness of EU policies for EQF, ECVET and EQUARF regarding referencing requirements of online tests.


Students in schools become:

Much more knowledgeable about what they do and do not know in science.

Drawing their attention to science in a simple way with the aim of discovering/stimulating and developing their talent.

Better able to take formal qualifications in the sciences, especially those related to the EQF.

Better supported to support their own learning using free and legal resources.


National policy makers will:

Be provided with national comparative data on their country in the international context.

Have data available for further analysis and research subject to confidentiality

Solving the problem, about the willingness of young people to engage in science, where disengagement currently exacerbates the problem where the output of our education systems does not correlate well with labor market expectations. There is a great demand in the EU for qualified, experienced and enthusiastic people for science and engineering. Schools are not helping that.


We want to: 

Create a data repository with resources and practical science experiments that help provide this engagement.

Promote a methodological change in teaching to increase overall motivation, including a change in assessment processes, to use more reflective methods such as e-portfolio.

Assessing the evolution of science learning through the course of the project and investigating the potential of big data analysis to help focus the development of science curricula.

Giving young people the opportunity to engage in science outside the school curriculum, stimulating their interest in science in general and developing their “scientific thinking” even if they later decide not to become scientists

There is a major problem in EU countries with a lack of qualified technicians and scientific professionals and a surplus of humanities graduates. Young people are discouraged from studying scientific subjects because they are "too difficult" or can only be understood by those with "scientific aptitude."


This project offers a solution by making young people aware that the sciences are not boring and difficult to understand and accessible to everyone . This is achieved by implementing attractive and effective ways of teaching science.




2018 - 2021

Innovation in schools regarding digital learning in science classes.


Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work






Foundation Siglo22,


JKVG vzw,








Euroface Consulting,



  • Increased knowledge in the area of:

  • Innovation in schools for digital learning, especially in science

  • Open educational resources, building on knowledge of open source software and licensing benefits.

  • Business innovation and sustainable support for Open Education Resources Open Educational Resources) OER using a premium model and principles of disruptive innovation.

  • Using statistical methods in “Big Data” to automate comparative progress measures in schools.

  • EQF, ECVET and EQARF with respect to referencing online testing requirements.

  • Provisions for schools in partner countries for:

  • A range of online tests that can be used to measure student and school progress in the national and international context.

  • Collect nationally relevant data on what science children know and understand at different ages.

  • Diagnostic feedback based on evidence from testing of key weaknesses that need to be targeted for instruction.

  • Schedules of work, lesson plans and linked OERs freely licensed to support testing.

  • Training and support for teachers in using the free online tests, evidence management for courses, including self- and peer-assessment, formative progress tracking through courses and certification, all fully hosted.

  • Awareness of EU policies for EQF, ECVET and EQUARF regarding referencing requirements for online tests.

  • Students in schools become:

  • Much more knowledgeable about what they do and do not know in science.

  • Drawing their attention to science in a simple way with the aim of discovering/stimulating and developing their talent.

  • Better able to take formal qualifications in the sciences, especially those related to the EQF.

  • Better supported to support their own learning using free and legal resources.

  • National policy makers will:

  • Be provided with national comparative data on their country in the international context.

  • Have data available for further analysis and research subject to confidentiality



Solving the problem, about the willingness of young people to engage in science, where disengagement currently exacerbates the problem where the output of our education systems does not correlate well with labor market expectations. There is a great demand in the EU for qualified, experienced and enthusiastic people for science and engineering. Schools are not helping that.


We want to: 

Create a data repository with resources and practical science experiments that help provide this engagement.

Promote a methodological change in teaching to increase overall motivation, including a change in assessment processes, to use more reflective methods such as e-portfolio.

Assessing the evolution of science learning through the course of the project and investigating the potential of big data analysis to help focus the development of science curricula.

Giving young people the opportunity to engage in science outside the school curriculum, stimulating their interest in science in general and developing their "scientific thinking" even if they later decide not to become scientists

There is a major problem in EU countries with a lack of qualified technicians and scientific professionals and a surplus of humanities graduates. Young people are discouraged from studying scientific subjects because they are "too difficult" or can only be understood by those with "scientific aptitude."




Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work






Foundation Siglo22,


JKVG vzw,








Euroface Consulting,


Innovatie op scholen aangaande het digitaal leren in wetenschapslessen.

2010 - 2012


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