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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


Results of the RED project can be represented as follows;

Increase the digital skills of the low-literate (young) adults with a distance to society and/or employment through the RED platform using the i-Flip technique that explains online social and public services of the government and other (social) organizations through videos.

To make the target group self-sufficient and empowered regarding the digital social and public services of the government and other public providers.

Using the RED platform will improve skills and learning concepts through (existing) digital exercises, the i-Flips (videos) designed for each topic will improve computational skills and literacy (e.g., by showing arithmetic sums or language concepts).

Improve digital proficiency (through the i-Flips, digital (public) services are presented to the target audience (the videos combine hearing, seeing and reading)

Achieve an increase in the knowledge of public services, the target group comes into contact with the digital information of the services of government organizations, healthcare institutions, housing associations, energy suppliers, educational institutions and tax authorities, etc.).

Increasing the basic knowledge and self-reliance of the target group through this platform.

Literacy and numeracy are fundamental skills for human development because they enable people to lead meaningful lives and contribute to their communities in society. Research shows that low literacy and low numeracy skills are often linked. These skills are all essential for learning, as learning is mediated through texts and the use of numbers.


In Europe, one in five 16-65-year-olds has poor reading skills. In Europe, an estimated 55 million adults aged 16-65 have to deal with these problems. Research shows that Europeans between the ages of 26-35 scored highest in terms of low literacy, followed by people aged 16-25, then those aged 36-45 and lastly those aged 46 and above. This group can be seen as also having the most interest and advantage in acquiring digital, language and numeracy skills.


People facing these problems often also lack proficiency in digital skills. They already have problems reading simple texts, finding out simple facts, or assessing something, and they can no longer cope with long or more complex texts. This means that the RED platform will be set up as an innovative tool, teaching digital skills, addressing low literacy and low numeracy skills to ultimately increase social participation and empower the target group!

The project will actively work towards the following objectives and intended impacts of the RED platform;

1) Developing a RED "baseline test", a test that indicates the level of low language and numeracy skills of the target group.

2) To develop RED materials in the RED "Material Database" offered through the online platform, teaching literacy and numeracy skills through (links to) assignments and providing explanations and other materials to increase participation in society by promoting reading, numeracy and digital citizenship.

3) The design and implementation of a structured collaboration between primary and secondary stakeholders in the field of low literacy in the RED "Roadmap" with their "help offer".

4) Achieve the structural and active involvement of participants from local organisations and realise an offer for potential participants with regional organisations in a European context.




2017- 2020

(Reinforce European Digital, literacy and numeracy skills).

Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK

Consulting s.r.o.,
Natsionalen ucheben tsentar,
JKVG vzw,
Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje,
New Service,


  • Results of the RED project can be presented as follows;

  • Increase the digital skills of the low-literate (young) adults with a distance to society and/or employment through the RED platform using the i-Flip technique that explains online social and public services of the government and other (social) organisations through videos.

  • To make the target group self-sufficient and empowered with regard to digital social and public services of the government and other public providers.

  • By using the RED platform, skills and learning concepts are improved through (existing) digital exercises, the i-Flips (videos) designed for each topic will improve numeracy skills and literacy (e.g. by showing numeracy or language concepts).

  • Improve digital proficiency (through the i-Flips, digital (public) services are presented to the target group (the videos combine hearing, seeing and reading)

  • Achieve an increase in knowledge of public services, the target group comes into contact with the digital information of the services of government organisations, healthcare institutions, housing associations, energy suppliers, educational institutions and tax authorities, etc.).

  • Increasing the target group's basic knowledge and self-reliance through this platform.



The project will actively work on the following objectives and intended impacts of the RED platform;

1) Develop a RED "baseline test," a test that indicates the level of low language and numeracy skills of the target population.

2) To develop RED materials in the RED "Material Database," offered through the online platform, teaching literacy and numeracy skills through (links to) assignments and providing explanations and other materials to increase participation in society by promoting reading, math and digital citizenship.

3) The design and implementation of a structured collaboration between primary and secondary stakeholders in the field of low literacy in the RED "Roadmap" with their "help offer".

4) Achieve the structural and active involvement of participants from local organizations and realize an offer for potential participants with regional organizations in a European context.

Literacy and numeracy are fundamental skills for human development because they enable people to live meaningful lives and contribute to their communities in society. Research shows that low literacy and low numeracy skills are often linked. These skills are all essential for learning because learning is mediated through texts and the use of numbers.


In Europe, one in five 16-65-year-olds has poor reading skills. In Europe, an estimated 55 million adults aged 16-65 must deal with these problems. Research shows that Europeans between the ages of 26-35 scored highest in terms of low literacy, followed by those aged 16-25, then by those aged 36-45, and lastly those aged 46 and older. This group can be seen as one that also has the most interest and advantage in acquiring digital, language and math skills.


People facing these problems often also lack proficiency in digital skills. They already have problems reading simple texts, finding out simple facts, or assessing something, and they can no longer cope with long or more complex texts. This means that the RED platform will be established as an innovative tool, teaching digital skills, addressing low literacy and low numeracy skills to ultimately increase social participation and empower the target group!



Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK

EurofaceConsulting s.r.o., 
Natsionalen ucheben tsentar,
KVG vzw,
Andragoski zavod Ljudska univerza Velenje,
New Service,

(Reinforce European Digital, literacy and numeracy skills).

2017 - 2020


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