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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


  • The concrete results of the Triple E-dge project are indicated below;

  • A demonstration package, as it concerns the labor market where companies indicate that there is a lack of an entrepreneurial spirit and skills among young people. Therefore, we will invite these companies to actively participate with the partners to make students understand the importance and relevance of a selected set of skills in the workplace.

  • Triple E knowledge bits: a project database with a composite set of promoting infromation and descriptions of the knowledge to be transferred in this project

  • Mini games for developing Triple E skills: a framework/basic structure for creating digital skills enhancing games, 4 digital mini games based on the Triple E skills in the chosen sectors.

  • Training packages: manual, videos, advice for trainers (school & company)

  • and an e-learning module for students (and employees).

  • Badges system certification: a digital badge containing detailed information and demonstrating the existence of a competency or skill set by an organization or institution.

Het consortium van het Triple E-dge project werkt aan het volgende: het bijbrengen van meer ondernemende en digitale vaardigheden bij studenten, bedrijven en docenten, en het verbeteren van de relaties met bedrijven in MBO-omgevingen. Het partnerschap wil MBO-omgevingen creëren waar sleutelcompetenties zoals ondernemerschap, kritisch denken, onafhankelijke besluitvorming, probleemoplossing en creativiteit, evenals digitale vaardigheden alomtegenwoordig zijn - waar studenten worden uitgedaagd om te reflecteren op hun eigen prestaties en digitale uitdagingen aangaan in de klas en daarbuiten om hen beter voor te bereiden op toekomstige kansen op de werkplek. Dit door bewustwording te creëren over een reeks zorgvuldig geselecteerde vaardigheden en hun relevantie op de werkplek, en door het verwerven van die vaardigheden op een gerichte manier aan te moedigen met behulp van digitale hulpmiddelen (games). Het formeel en officieel valideren van de verwerving van deze vaardigheden die gangbaar zijn op de arbeidsmarkt. En vanuit educatief oogpunt, door de gevalideerde vaardigheden te certificeren via een zogenaamd badgesysteem.
The aim of the project is to make a better connection between the labor market, education and the student, thus enhancing students' opportunities by teaching entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, the project aims to select 4 highly qualitative skill clusters - the so-called Triple E skills, all of which are strongly related to entrepreneurship employability and entrepreneurial skills. What is relevant here will be co-determined and co-defined by companies from the 4 chosen sectors. The partners will create existing and brand new digital tools: demonstrative videos, learning methodologies that support skill acquisition in 4 areas, and mini-games that will enhance skill acquisition. They will all be open access, so free to use for all kinds of stakeholders. In addition, innovative elements will be used where relevant, such as virtual or computer-generated reality (Augmented Reality). The open-badges system installed by Mozilla and Be Badges (Selor) will also play an important role, as will the other innovative aspects of the project.




Entrepreneurship, employability and entrepreneurship in a digital and gaming environment.

2017 - 2020

Syntra West vzw,

Winston Wolff,
Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK


  • The concrete results of the Triple E-dge project are indicated below;

  • A demonstration package, as it concerns the labor market where companies indicate that there is a lack of an entrepreneurial spirit and skills among young people. Therefore, we will invite these companies to actively participate with the partners to make students understand the importance and relevance of a selected set of skills in the workplace.

  • Triple E knowledge bits: a project database with a composite set of promoting infromation and descriptions of the knowledge to be transferred in this project

  • Mini games for developing Triple E skills: a framework/basic structure for creating digital skills enhancing games, 4 digital mini games based on the Triple E skills in the chosen sectors.

  • Training packages: manual, videos, advice for trainers (school & company)

  • and an e-learning module for students (and employees).

  • Badges system certification: a digital badge containing detailed information and demonstrating the existence of a competency or skill set by an organization or institution.



The consortium of the Triple E-dge project is working towards the following: to instil more entrepreneurial and digital skills in students, businesses and teachers, and a better relationship with businesses in MBO environments. The partnership aims to create MBO environments where key competences such as entrepreneurship, critical thinking, independent decision-making, problem-solving and creativity, as well as digital skills are ubiquitous - where students are challenged to reflect on their own performance and have digital challenges in the classroom and beyond to better prepare them for future opportunities in the workplace. This by creating awareness of a set of carefully selected skills and their relevance in the workplace, encouraging the acquisition of those skills in a targeted way through digital tools (games). Formally and officially validating the acquisition of these skills common in the labour market. And from an educational point of view, by certifying the validated skills through a so-called badge system.

The aim of the project is to make a better connection between the labor market, education and the student, thus enhancing students' opportunities by teaching entrepreneurial skills. Therefore, the project aims to select 4 highly qualitative skill clusters - the so-called Triple E skills, all of which are strongly related to entrepreneurship employability and entrepreneurial skills. What is relevant here will be co-determined and co-defined by companies from the 4 chosen sectors. The partners will create existing and brand new digital tools: demonstrative videos, learning methodologies that support skill acquisition in 4 areas, and mini-games that will enhance skill acquisition. They will all be open access, so free to use for all kinds of stakeholders. In addition, innovative elements will be used where relevant, such as virtual or computer-generated reality (Augmented Reality). The open-badges system installed by Mozilla and Be Badges (Selor) will also play an important role, as will the other innovative aspects of the project.



Syntra West vzw,

Winston Wolff,
Stichting Kenniscentrum PRO WORK

Entrepreneurship, employability and entrepreneurship in a digital and gaming environment.

2017 - 2020


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