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Stichting Kenniscentrum Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

Stichting Kenniscentrum
Pro Work

‘‘Together it works’’

   ‘‘Together it works’’


  • To increase the number of businesses in partner countries, which can set up and manage their own websites;

  •  To increase ECVET qualifications in promoting business website creation and maintenance;

  •  To enable students to learn and work in the context of the 'real' business world;

  •  To provide students with a meaningful use of time through this project;

  •  An online manual to create websites by using freely accessible resources on the Internet.

GEBOL is an abbreviation for "Get European Business Online. The project has its origins in the UK's use of Google sites titled; "Getting British Business On-line" and the ITQ National Vocational Qualification - of the UK from the "Sector Skills Council reference" such as the EQF. This involves promoting (in accordance with the so-called ECVET (European Credit System in Vocational Education and Training) qualifications) skills in setting up and maintaining business websites. There appeared to be a growing number of MBO students, who could not find a job and thus there was a demand for a relevant use of time. In addition, it turned out that there were many (small) companies without proper websites and so these two components were brought together in the GEBOL project.

First, ensuring an increase in companies in the partner countries for which websites are created and maintained. Secondly, promoting ECVET qualifications for the students who support the companies in building these websites.




(Get European Business OnLine)

2011 - 2013


Consulting s.r.o.,

The Learning Machine Ltd,

Opensaar e.V.,



AGIFODENT, Stichting 

Kennicentrum PRO WORK

  • To increase the number of businesses in partner countries, which can set up and manage their own websites;

  •  To increase ECVET qualifications in promoting the creation and maintenance of business websites;

  •  To enable students to learn and work in the context of the "real" business world;

  •  To provide students with a meaningful use of time through this project;

  •  An online handbook to create websites through the use of freely accessible resources on the Internet.



First of all, ensure an increase in companies in the partner countries for which websites are set up and maintained. Secondly, promoting the ECVET qualifications for the students who support the companies in building these websites.

GEBOL is an abbreviation for "Get European Business Online. The project has its origins in the UK's use of Google sites titled; "Getting British Business On-line" and the ITQ National Vocational Qualification - of the UK from the "Sector Skills Council reference" such as the EQF. This involves promoting (in accordance with the so-called ECVET (European Credit System in Vocational Education and Training) qualifications) skills in setting up and maintaining business websites. There appeared to be a growing number of MBO students, who could not find a job and thus there was a demand for a relevant use of time. In addition, it turned out that there were many (small) companies without proper websites and so these two components were brought together in the GEBOL project.



Consulting s.r.o.,
The Learning Machine Ltd,
Opensaar e.V.,
Kennicentrum PRO WORK

(Get European Business OnLine).

2011 - 2013


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